Death and Information

Exploring the topic of physical death

In the ConscioCentric paradigm, consciousness is fundamental to matter itself.   Every particle of matter in the universe participates in the same spectrum of consciousness of humans and animals.   We may use the term "proto-consciousness" for any given electron, quark or other subatomic particle - as philosopher and consciousness scientist David Chalmers has suggested.   

This idea that consciousness is intrinsic to matter is not a new one - in fact, the general topic of Panpsychism has been around for thousands of years, and explored by countless philosophers and religious leaders for many millennium.   Panpsychist principles are at the foundation of many Eastern Religions. 

In addition, from the angle of Science - the core findings of quantum mechanics over the past 100 years, lead us to the same conclusion - there is an intrinsic link between matter, energy and consciousness at a very fundamental level.   Quantum mechanic wave collapse is probabilistic - at a subatomic level, matter is not solid, but rather a cloud of probability, or more accurately a field of probability that is unfolded into matter.  There are a few interpretations of wave collapse and Schrodinger equation, but they all point to the fact that consciousness, and observation seem to be the key to matter actually coming into existence, at a subatomic level.   Talk to any physicist about their interpretation of wave collapse, and prepare for a journey into some wild territory about consciousness, observation, quantum superposition, action at a distance, wave-particle duality, the double slit experiment and delayed choice.   All of these experiments point us to a role for consciousness in the very fabric of all matter. 

In the ConscioCentric paradigm, evolved life - and our human bodies - are a segment of this greater conscious unity of possibilities.  Our "individual consciousness" separates from the unity and strives to create a more perfect vessel to control, expand and shape the universe over time.   Our human bodies are incredibly advanced vessels that combine multiple spheres of organ consciousness working together to create bodies that can exert wide ranging control over other matter and the environment.  Over millions of years and countless iterations, consciousness has developed this blueprint that excels in our planetary conditions... the human blueprint - A conscious pattern that is encoded into RNA/DNA and replicated over and over for millions of generations.    For extremely short periods in cosmological time (a human lifespan), we strive to explore, and learn, and perfect our vessels and make a some kind of mark on the world - to shape the direction of the 3D universe, through 4D time and the 5D multiverse of choice.   But once our bodies reach the end of their entropic decay and lifespan then we rejoin the united consciousness - the collective consciousness of the universe.   

Through undulations of separation and reunification, consciousness divides, creates and expands our conscious spheres of influence, then rejoins the collective.   Our conscious souls strive to design the trajectory of 3D matter through 4D time.   The human life is a brightly burning candle for a miniscule period in the grand scheme of things, but our conscious soul does not just disappear upon the death of the body.   Like matter, consciousness cannot be destroyed - it is merely converted into another form.   Antoine Lavoisier's Law of Conservation of Mass tells us this.  Consciousness continues on independent of the body.   

In addition, the ConscioCentric paradigm states that our "individual consciousness" is never actually really individual.   Every person we interact with, and especially those who we share our lives with -- become part of a local shared consciousness sphere.   Our family and friends allow our conscious control into their lives, and their consciousness partially constrains and controls our life.   The children we raise and teach take on a large mass of our consciousness through our interactions and teachings.   

We all contribute to the shape of the 3D material world over time.   Some people don't have much effect on their environment, or their family or society -- while others contribute immensely, through Arts, Science, Teaching, Religion, Politics and Philosophy -- changing the trajectory of humanity and shaping our part of the story of the 3D universe through 4D time.   

Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"Not only is mind our tether to reality, perhaps it is our tether to eternity."
Until the End of Time

Information and Ideas are the Currency of Consciousness.

Individuals like Jesus, Buddha, Aristotle, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Leonardo daVinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein all expanded their consciousness to such an extent that it has effectively immortalized them.   The very information of their ideas IS their consciousness expanding out and exerting control and touching the consciousness of billions and billions of people over spans of centuries and millennium.  

A legacy that succeeds us is consciousness living on.  Those who make contributions and spread their ideas actually become immortal.  Their consciousness lives on through us when we consider their ideas and remember their presence.   

A great politician can turn conscious ideas into a legacy that will radically transform a country, a continent, or the entire planet.   A great artist or philosopher may turn their conscious ideas and information into works of art or writings that will change the values and morals of societies for decades or centuries.    A great scientist may use their conscious focus to create a new blueprint for some scientific, biological or technological advancement that leverages our planet's resources and constraints - that will expand the capabilities of our human society, and allow us to expand our control over the 3D material world and our longevity through 4D time.   



Philosopher, Spiritual Teacher
"Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely."
Brandon Lee
Martial Artist, Philosopher, Actor
"Immortality is to live your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind."
Sara Walker
Astrobiologist, Theoretical Physicist, Professor
"If you want to live forever, maximize your causal output."
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